Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Myanmar. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Myanmar. Mostrar todas las entradas

14 mayo 2018

Highlights of Myanmar

Day 1 – Yangon city tour:

Yangon, formerly known as Rangoon, is still a relatively quiet and charming city. Its impressive colonial and spiritual heritage makes Yangon one of the most fascinating and authentic capitals of South-East Asia.

Start the visit to Sule Pagoda which is believed to enshrine a strand of hair of the Buddha.

Enjoy an orientation drive through the exotic streets of Yangon downtown and British Colonial building as Emmanuel Church, Inland Water Buildings.

We then embark on an orientation walk to Chinese Town.

Continue to Bogyoke Market, formerly named Scott’s Market, it is now the main tourist destination where you can find antique, Burmese handicrafts & jewelry shops, art galleries & clothing stores.

The reclining Buddha of Kyauk Hthat Gyi Pagoda, dating from 1558, is sometimes called the "five-storey Buddha", because its size.

Late afternoon, visit the must see Shwedagon Pagoda – the most prominent monument in Yangon which dominates the sky with golden flash, giant spires and holy relics.

For more information about Shwedagon Pagoda, please follow this link:

Day 2 – Mandalay

On arrival, drive straight to Sagaing Hill, discover the monk education, visit Budda cave, Uminthonze pagoda and Sunooponnyashin pagoda. Behold the panoramic view of Mandalay.

After that, come to Amarapura. Being famous for Mahagandayon Monastery Amarapura is the best place to experience the monk life in Mandalay. 

Walk over Ubein Wooden Bridge, the longest teakwood of its type.

Enjoy great sunset view over Ubein Bridge

Day 3 – Mandalay – Mandalay Hill- Mingun

Visit Mandalay Hill,  Mandalay Palace, Shwenandaw Monastery - noted for its exquisite wood carvings, gold leaf beating workshop, Kuthodaw Pagoda - known as the world’s biggest book.

In the afternoon, drive to Mandalay pier, embarking on a private boat upstream to visit Mingun, famed for its huge and incomplete Pahtodawgyi Pagoda and Mingun Bell the 90 tons ringing bell.

Day 4 – Mandalay – Mt. Popa – Bagan

After breakfast, leave Mandalay for a scenic drive through the countryside area of Myanmar to Mt. Popa, known as the most sacred site for meditation in Myanmar. 

 From Popa Kalat Monastery you can enjoy the panoramic view of Popa national park.

Late afternoon, keep driving for an hour to Bagan. On the way, we will experience the traditional palm work, cigar maker and peanut oil distillation.

Day 5 – Bagan discovery

We first visit Naung U Market where people come and buy their goods. 

Start temples exploration with a visit to Shwezigone pagoda, which is believed to enshrine a bone and tooth of Gautama Buddha to Ananda, Sulamani Temple.

For more information about the temples of Bagan, please follow this link:

In the afternoon, visit Bagan archaeological museum and discover the traditional way that local people make the lacquer wares which features a part the Bagan fame.

Enjoy a beautiful sunset cruise on Ayeyarwaddy River.

Day 6 – Bagan: More sightseeing

Pay a visit to Minkaba Gubyaukyi temple, experience the architectural difference in MyaZedi pagoda before heading to Manuha Temple.

This afternoon, enjoy the exotic horse cart to one of the biggest temple in Bagan: Nan Paya pagoda and many other interesting sites nearby.

The highlight of this day is the sunset panorama from the Bagan Tower

 Day 7 – Heho – Inle Lake

Take the morning flight to Heho, after a short drive to Naung Shwe Jetty. Board the motor boat to Inle Lake.

Inle Lake, the second largest lake in Myanmar, located 900m above sea level and is home to unique one leg rower Intha people.

For more information about the life in Inle Lake, please follow this link:

Enjoy sightseeing tour to Phaungdawoo Pagoda, famed for its richly gilded five small Buddha images, also is believed the holiest in Inle Lake. 

Our next visit is Ngaphechaung monastery, known as jumping cat pagoda. 

As you travel further to Nam Pan village; cotton and lotus weaving factory, cigar making houses will impress you with a sense of traditional Intha life.

Day 8 – Inle Lake sightseeing

This morning, you will visit the 5 days market which is hold in different villages surround the lake. This is definitely a fascinating place to enjoy the scene of local tribes in their colorful clothes and exotic market atmosphere.

After that, the boat will take you to beautiful temple of Indein, located on the hill overlooking the lake. It will be definitely relaxing to walk along the corridor and enjoy the giant columns which have been left to the nature for centuries.

Day 9 and 10 – Ngapali

Farewell from Inle Lake ! and  flight to Ngapali, "the beach"

In Ngapali, you are free at leisure to enjoy the beautifull beach 

Great country; great people !

09 marzo 2018

El Oro de la Pagoda de Shwedagon, en Yangon, considerada como la pagoda más bonita del mundo

Yangon, la antigua Rangún, no sería Yangon sin la pagoda de Shwedagon, su monumento más importante y uno de los lugares mas sagrados del budismo.  

Shwedagon, la pagoda más bonita del mundo, fue construida sobre un paraje en el que se venera a Buda desde hace 2.500 años. Dos comerciantes habrían traido a este lugar, desde las Indias, ocho cabellos de Buda, que fueron expuestos en un gran templo, junto con otras reliquias de otros tres dudas anteriores.  Después, las construcciones se han ido sucediendo hasta llegar a la gran estupa y las maravillas que hoy podemos contemplar.

La gran estupa es un gran edificio macizo en forma de cuenco invertido, coronado por por una gran flecha  con grandes espiras en la que se encuentran las reliquias emparedadas, está rodeado de un sinfín de relicarios más pequeños. 

La estupa es dorada, rutilante bajo el sol domina toda la ciudad, mide 110 m de altura, está envuelta en 8.688 hojas de pan de oro que pesan unas 27 toneladas.  Hoy, la gran estupa está rodeada por otras 64 pequeñas pagodas. Dominando el edificio, el hti o sombrilla, está adornada por 5.488 diamantes y más de 2.000 piedras preciosas.

En la "Letters from the East", en 1889, Rudyard Kipling escribió: 

"Then, a golden mystery upheaved itself on the horizon - a beautiful, drinking wonder that blazed in the sun, of a shape that was neither Muslim dome, nor Hindu temple spire.  It stood upon a green knoll...  There´s the old Shway Dagon´... the golden dome"... "This is Burma, and it will be quite unlike any land that one knows about".

La actual pagoda, que ha resistido varios terremotos, dataría en sus líneas esenciales, de mediados del del siglo XV.  

Conviene visitar este magnífico lugar, al atardecer, a la puesta de sol... cuando el oro adquiere un color carmesí y naranja oscuro y, progresivamente se enciende la fantástica iluminación que acompasa en intensidad el ocaso de la luz solar.  

La terraza principal tiene el suelo de mármol y está repleta de pabellones, salas de oración  con imágenes de Buda y dos campanas gigantescas de hierro.

Alrededor de la base de la gran estupa hay 12postes planetarios que corresponden con los días de la semana.  Los lugareños rezan en el que representa el día en que nacieron.  si uno desea unirse a ellos, pero no sabe en qué día de la semana nació, los adivinos del templo disponen de calendarios para responder la cuestión.

Esta impresionante pagoda, situada en la cima de la pequeña colina de Singuttara, no es únicamente un remarcado edificio sagrado o un logro de la arquitectura, es el símbolo perfecto de un país en el que el budismo preside cualquier aspecto de la vida.

Si queréis visitar más maravillas de Myanmar, "pinchad" estos enlaces:

Bagan , el destino más mítico de Myanmar

La vida en el Lago Inle, en Myanmar

También, he añadido un enlace que te ayude a  planificar un viaje a través de los... "Highlights of Myanmar"

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